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    Heritage in Perloz


Ancient Perloz wine press


The Perloz wine press is an interesting witness to the history of viticulture and rural traditions of the area. The pressing allowed for the extraction, by pressing, of the liquid part from the marc, what remained at the end of the alcoholic fermentation …


Chemp, Varfey and other villages of Perloz


On reaching Crétaz di Miochaz, two routes branch out from where you can park your car, both leading to the last villages in Perloz that are described as inaccessible because in the past you had to go up and come down from them only on foot. They seem …


Glacières mill


Put in action by the water of the “ru” (irrigation canal) of Marine, the mill of Glacières (or Giassère) is very old, as evidenced by the dates engraved in some parts of the structure. he first documentary reference dates back to 1501 and it is in the …

Castles and towers
Among the trees

Héréraz tower


Héréraz (or Hérères) castle belonged to the Vallaise-Hérères branch, which died out in 1390. The original residential building was transformed into a parish house and the perimeter wall was used as building material for the church. The castle’s donjon, …

Castles and towers
The façad's majesty

Vallaise Castle


Situated in the centre of the municipal seat, the castle is the oldest in Perloz, and certainly dates back to the 12th century, as confirmed by a document from 1195, which refers to a “sala domini” in Perloz. It is still known as the “Ohtal” (from the …

Castles and towers
In summer

Vallaise “Charles” Castle


Charles castle is a series of fortified houses. It was inhabited by Charles, notary and lord of Perloz and royal judge in Bard who, in 1709, having contributed to liberating the fortress of Bard from the French, was awarded with a noble title by Duke …

Churches and shrines

Chapel of San Rocco


In the main village of Perloz, this 17th century chapel is dedicated to San Rocco who, in artistic iconography, usually presents the shell and pilgrim’s stick as distinctive elements and is thus represented in the central fresco on the facade. Inside, …

Churches and shrines
interior of the chapel - Plan-de-Brun

Chapel of th Holy Trinity


Nel villaggio di Plan-De-Brun, al lato della antica mulattiera che sale al borgo di Perloz e lungo l’itinerario escursionistico Cammino Balteo, si affaccia la cappella dedicata alla Santissima Trinità che pare esistesse già nel XVIII secolo come risulta …

Churches and shrines
Church of St. Joseph - Tour d'Héréraz

Church of St. Joseph


Looking at the church dedicated to Saint Joseph, in the village of Tour d’Héréraz, the medieval tower stands out, which today is its bell tower. At that time, many travelers passed the waters of the Lys stream over the nearby Pont Moretta bridge, located …

Churches and shrines
parish church of Perloz

Parish Church of Santissimo Salvatore


In the past Salvador’s Church held a very important role because the parish of Perloz covered the entire Lys valley. Later, from the end of 1100, independent parishes were established in the surrounding areas. It is not known exactly when it was built, …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.