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    Heritage in La Salle

Churches and shrines
The Cheverel chapel

Chapel of Cheverel

La Salle

Dated 1636, it is dedicated to Saint Bernard (celebrated on 15 June). The facade is frescoed entirely with the figures of the saints Bernard, Anthony the Great, Cassian, Cristopher and Gratus. The coat of arms of the Savoy household also appears on the …

Churches and shrines

Chapel of Ecours

La Salle

Dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, it is mentioned for the first time in a document dated 1330. The facade is completely frescoed with images of Saint Christopher holding the Infant Jesus and Saint John the Baptist and the adoration of the …

Churches and shrines

Chapel of Morge

La Salle

It dates back to 1671 and is dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalen (feast day 22 July). The facade, which is in quite a poor state of repair, is decorated by large frescoes representing the Virgin with Child, Mary Magdalen, a warrior and Saint Christopher. …

Churches and shrines

Charvaz Chapel

La Salle

Dated 1621, its facade (unfortunately in very poor condition) is completely frescoed with a representation of the Universal Judgement, it is dedicated to Saint Leonard - celebrated on the 6th of November - and to Saint Gratus. The bell tower has two …

Churches and shrines
The façade

Saint Cassian parish church

La Salle

The first documents relative to this church are the deeds of the pastoral visits of 1413 and 1416, but it may obviously be older than this. There are no remaining traces of the fifteenth century building, given that the church was rebuilt entirely in 1846 …

Churches and shrines

Sant'Orso church in Derby

La Salle

The primitive church of the village of Derby most likely dates back to the 11th / 12th century, while the belltower is said to date back to the 13th century. The current church has been erected in the 16th century and consecrated by Monsignor Ferragata, …

Folk groups / Brass bands / Choirs
The whole group

Groupe folklorique "Les Sallereins"

La Salle

Le groupe folklororique “Les Sallereins” naît en 1968 avec le but de conserver et diffuser les anciennes traditions du village de La Salle. Le groupe réunit garçons et filles en costume typique, qui ont repris d’anciennes danses populaires évoquant la …

''L'Homme et la Pente'' ethnographic museum

''L'Homme et la Pente'' ethnographic museum

La Salle

The “L’Homme et la Pente” ethnographic museum is the heart of the valorisation project of the rural heritage of La Salle. The museum holds equipment used in agriculture and family life, particularly from the 18th and 19th centuries.


"Maison Plassier'' house-museum

La Salle

On January 23rd, 2012 Carlo Plassier left through a testamentary legacy his house, including furniture and works of art, at the La Salle Municipality, on condition that it would have been open to the public in the future.The collection is the result of a …

La Badoche

La Badoche

La Salle

Ogni anno il santo patrono si festeggia nei comuni e nei villaggi della Valdigne con una manifestazione particolare, la “Badoche”, le cui origini paiono risalire ai riti propiziatori celebrati presso i Celti. La tradizione vuole che la Badoche sia nata …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.