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    Heritage in Verrès,Arnad,Hône,Pontboset

Castles and towers

Verrès Castle


Buy your tickets on-lineAn inscription carved in Gothic characters states that Ibleto of Challant began works in 1390. In 1536 Renato of Challant renovated the defence structures, adapting them for modern fire arms. On this occasion, a boundary wall with …

Churches and shrines
Prevostura di Saint-Gilles

Vicarage of Saint-Gilles and parish church


Tradition dates the foundation of the monastery to the X century, however the canonicals of St. Egidio are mentioned for the first time in 1050. It was the location of the parish church, which includes buildings dating from the XI and XVIII centuries. …


Echallod Bridge


The Echallod Bridge is a stone pedestrian bridge, one of the most picturesque in the Aosta Valley region. Restored several times over the centuries, it connects the hamlets of upper and lower Echallod to the other villages of the municipality of Arnad, …


The Medieval village of Ville


The village includes the Ohta house-fort, an interesting manor compound built around a significantly large Late Medieval tower with walls over two metres thick and an entrance about 8 metres off the ground. In the fourteenth century, the village was most …

Castles and towers

Vallaise Castle


Built by the Vallaise family in the 17th century, the castle has 3 storeys flanked by 2 four-sided towers. The internal façade opens onto the courtyard, wit a double arcade of light stone columns. Interesting frescoes of ten fiefdoms owned by the …

Castles and towers

Ville fortified house and tower


In the hamlet of Ville stands a complex of buildings, currently in a state of decay and used as a rural dwelling, consisting of a fortified house and a tower, also known as Tor de l’Ohta. The square plan tower is missing its upper section and has walls …

Churches and shrines
Chiesa di San Martino - Arnad

Parish Church of San Martino


The Church of San Martino is located in the chief town of Arnad-Le-Vieux. The current building has a trapezoidal layout, with three naves that preserve a roof made of Gothic, low pointed cross vaults. The pillars support large arches that rest on …

Churches and shrines
Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve of Machaby

Shrine of the Madonna della Neve of Machaby (Madonna of the snow)


The shrine is located at a height of 696 metres, in the Machaby valley and not far from the centre of Arnad, in a splendid position among the chestnut forests. The building, which originates from the fourteenth century, was rebuilt entirely in 1687. As …


Bridges and age-old homes in the Champorcher valley


An original architecture, linked to the impervious land In a rocky and sloping valley like Champorcher, crossing the river banks was not an easy task. Placing the bridge foundations on top of rocky gulfs, over turbulent waters, the master builders of the …

Churches and shrines
Parish church of San Giorgio

Parish church of San Giorgio


The parish church dedicated to St. George boasts ancient origins: it was in fact already mentioned in a Papal Bull by Alexander III in 1176. The building was rebuilt during the early decades of the XVIII century and in 1742 the Gilardi brothers created …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.