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    Farm restaurant in Challand-Saint-Victor,Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod,Brusson,Challand-Saint-Anselme

Farm restaurant
Farm restaurant

Farm restaurant Dal Pioppo


Building renovated in 2021, with typical mountain architecture with ground floor in stone and wood and upper floor in stone and wood and exposed beams.

Farm restaurant

Farm restaurant Les Hiboux


Newly constructed building with typical mountain architecture. The ground floor is in stone and the upper floor in wood.

Farm restaurant

Farm restaurant Alpe Corneuil


TEMPORARILY CLOSED This property is located in the alpine pasture along the promenade that connects the Col de Joux to the Monterosa on the route of the Ru Courtaud.

Farm restaurant

Farm restaurant Goïl


The agritourism is located near the ski slopes in a unique natural setting and offers refreshment service and snacks with large dehors where guests can also relax near the little lake.

Farm restaurant

Farm restaurant La Tchavana di Metsan


Located between two beautiful trails, the first one that leaves from Barmasc along the Ru Courtaud (about 1 hour by foot), the second one continuing from Tchavana towards Saint-Jacques where you also get the chance of admiring the Cervino. The …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.