• Parish church of San Martino and Santa Barbara

    Churches and shrines

Parish church of San Martino and Santa Barbara

Resorts: Verrayes


The first historical document that mentions the parish of Verrayes is a Papal Bull by Pope Lucius III dated 7 May 1187, where the parishes depending on the collegiate of Sant’Orso in Aosta are listed.
The current church of Verrayes was built at the end of the 19th century. On the walls of the bell tower the traces of the old church are still visible. It was a very low building with three naves divided by large brick pillars. The main nave was covered in cross vaults divided up by protruding ribs. This Church was demolished in 1873 and was replaced by the current church, the plans for which are by the architect Lancia. In 1877 the building was completed and was consecrated by Monsignor Duc on 11th November 1887.

See also

Churches - Times of mass

Mass times - church of Saint Martino


Holiday Mass: 10.30 amHoly Mass on Christmas Eve at 10pm