• Chapels

    Churches and shrines


Resort: Fontainemore


The area of Fontainemore is home to eleven chapels, build by the “macons” (builders) in each village as a symbol of autonomy in each district. The frescoed chapels are Madonna della Neve Chapel in the Niana district, the San Francesco di Sales Chapel in the Pillaz district, San Defendente Chapel in the Chuchal district and Balma oratory on the hill of the same name. The wealthiest and best preserved chapels are those in La Planaz and Kiry.

See also

Lakes / waterfalls

Guillemore Ravine


Just outside Fontainemore an ancient mule track leads to ‘Gouffre de Guillemore’, a very deep ravine carved through the rock by the Lys torrent, creating a striking waterfall. The Guillemore ravine combines spectacular scenery with strong roots in …