• Monte Facciabella

Monte Facciabella

Resorts: Champoluc /Ayas /Antagnod

One of the area’s more classic tours, great for mountaineering ski beginners.

Technical Information


Climb West to the Souda mountain pastures, 1,970 m, and then turn North-West.
Hug the ski slopes for a while until you reach the Vascoccia pastures, 2,254 m, on the road. The peak is just a few minutes after the Vascoccia rise.
You can directly descend to the valley without crossing the hills.

Duration going there


Recommended times

December - April

Difference in level

776 m.

See also

Alpine guides
Siège de la Société des Guides d' Haute montagne de Champoluc - Ayas

Champoluc - Ayas Alpine guides association


From Antagnod, the capital of the high valley in one of the most beautiful and bright locations in the entire Aosta Valley, your eyes travel along the long sparkling mountain chain overlooked by Monte Rosa by over 4600 metres. From Champoluc, the cable …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.