• Snow Fun Park Flassin

    Snow fun parks

Snow Fun Park Flassin

Resorts: Saint-Oyen, Étroubles, Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

Intero € 15,00 (adulto e bambino maggiore di 6 anni) - Ridotto bambino tra i 3 e i 6 anni € 7,50 - gratuito sotto i 3 anni
I Plurigiornalieri consecutivi a partire da 4 gg. includono l’ingresso al Parco Giochi di Flassin

Chiusura nei giorni di lunedì e martedì in bassa stagione.

Nell’esercizio della pratica di giochi vari su neve, è fatto obbligo ai minori di 14 anni di indossare un casco protettivo conforme alle caratteristiche stabilite ai sensi dell’articolo 8 (L.R. 15/11/2004 N° 27 art.8).


In Flassin, the playground offers a “playful” alternative to skiing, even for those who don’t know how to ski but still want to have fun in the snow. The park covers an area of ​​about 5 hectares near the Foyer de Fond. Inside you can play various recreational activities suitable for both children and adults.
The playground is served by a treadmill and there are:
a track for dinghies (snow tubing)
a track for Airboard
a track for snow bikes (Snow Bike and Ski Fox)
a track for sledges
a bobsleigh track
A second 70-metre-long conveyor belt that rotates at a speed of 0.60 m/s and with a capacity of 1,000 p/h serves an area dedicated to children who can slide on the snow with soft puppets in the shape of animals, cars and dinghies, a giant inflatable slide, a carousel and a pagoda have also been installed in the area where mothers can warm up and supervise the children at play.dren.

See also

Cross-country skiing
High Valley of Great Saint-Bernard cross-country runs

Alta valle inter-municipal piste in Gran San Bernardo

** Valle d'Aosta **

From the characteristic mediaeval village of Etroubles, an 18 km long cross-country trail sets out and climbs up the valley, passing through Saint-Oyen and touching upon a number of attractive little villages before reaching the 1521 metre altitude of …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.