• Dairy Fromagerie Haut Val d'Ayas

    Dairy farms

Dairy Fromagerie Haut Val d'Ayas

Resorts: Brusson


This dairy farm was founded in 2004 with the aim of streamlining the production and transformation of the milk of the Valley according to the methods of ancient cooperative dairies, where different farmers used to work together alternating in shifts. The Fromagerie Haut Val d’Ayas brings together 65 local farmers who contribute with their own milk and processes almost two million litres of milk a year, obtaining about 18,000 types of Fontina cheese. Areas and museums depicting scenes of rural life lie at the heart of the cooperative and panels are displayed inside which illustrate the journey of the milk, from the milking process to transformation into cheese; you can also watch the Fontina cheese being made first hand.

Fresh and matured dairy products, honey, wine, juices, spirits, medicinal herbs, local vegetable products (in summer-autumn), frozen yoghurt, products baked with yoghurt and butter from the Fromagerie.
The shop is open all year round from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. (2:30 p.m. on public holidays) to 7:30 p.m.

The company can be visited all year round upon reservation to be made by e-mail or telephone at least 3 days in advance (Contact: Egle Dondeynaz or Franca Compagno).
You can visit the cheese aging cellar and, upon request, the cattle stables of the cooperative members located close to the dairy. It is also possible to observe the milk being processed from a window inside the shop.
Tastings and a buffet can be organized upon booking at a pre-agreed price.
Number of visitors per visit: min 10 / max 50.
Languages spoken: Italian, French and English.

How to get there
From Verrès, follow the regional road 45 in the direction of Ayas until you reach the built-up area of Brusson (about 16 km); the dairy has an adjacent yard and is on the right if arriving from Verrès.

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.