• Chestnut Festival

    Wine and gourmet festivals

Chestnut Festival

Resorts: Perloz

In Marine

Sunday 29 October 2023


An occasion not to be missed with this delicious autumnal fruit has become a tradition: in the early afternoon the cooking competition and distribution of roasted chestnuts starts, while straight after the prize of the Castagna d’Oro will be awarded. The start of autumn is, without doubt, the chestnut season. In this period, in fact, there are festivals and celebrations in their honour in every region in Italy. This fruit is the base of numerous food specialities, mostly for desserts.

hours 12:30

Il pranzo a pagamento comprende: tre antipasti, due primi, un secondo, dolce e caffé. Bevande incluse.

Ecco il programma della 50° Castagnata di Perloz:

  • Ore 12.30: Pranzo a base di castagne. Prenotazione obbligatoria al nr. tel. 346.2297506 e tel.339.4624346;
  • Ore 13.30: Tradizionale gara di cottura delle “Mundè” (munirsi di padella e castagne);
  • Ore 16.00: Termine della gara di cottura;
  • Ore 17.00: Assegnazione della Castagna d’oro. Premi a tutti i partecipanti;
  • Pomeriggio in allegria;

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.