• Wine Note


Wine Note

Resorts: Nus


A welcoming restaurant in the Aosta Valley style with a touch of modernity. The restaurant offers traditional dishes revisited in a modern way. Careful research of 0 km products and small producers. Dehors in the evocative setting of the Castle of Pilato.

The menu changes every 3-4 weeks depending on the seasonal products

La Vrille: Chambave Muscat, Fumin, Cornalin, Passito (Vda)
Cave Gargantua: Gargantua Rouge, Blanc, Impasse (Vda)
Edoardo Braga: Torrette, Torrette Supérieur, Muscat (Vda)
Nicola del Negro: Torrette. l’OUra. Petite Arvine
Ermes Pavese:spumanti 18-24-36 mesi (Vda)
Bava: Nebbiolo, Sauvignon Blanc, Barolo.Barbaresco
Oltre 200 etichette essendo il locale anche vineria

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.