• Aromatic and medicinal plants

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Aromatic and medicinal plants

The particular climatic conditions of the Aosta Valley create a habitat suitable for the growth of medicinal and aromatic herbs which, here, are able to express their best characteristics. They grow spontaneously in the woods or on mountain terrain and, in some cases, are cultivated specifically.

The parts of the plants (leaves, berries, flowers, fruits, roots...) are used to flavor typical dishes, season cured meats and cheeses, distill fine liqueurs or prepare infusions and herbal teas with healing or thirst-quenching characteristics.

In addition to genepì, from which the well-known liqueur is obtained, the plants traditionally used are numerous. Among the most common are juniper, gentian, elderberry, mallow, dandelion, yarrow, thyme...

See also

Objects used in ancient times

"La Maison des Anciens Remèdes" - centre for the use of traditional herbal remedies


La Maison des Anciens Remèdes has been set up in an old rural house built in the late 17th Century and used as a hay barn in the parish of Jovençan until the early 1950s. This building represents a place where nature meets popular culture made up of …

Note - this information is not directly connected to the Cammino Balteo path but it is part of the Aosta Valley tourist offer.