• Bourricot Fleuri


Bourricot Fleuri

Resorts: Quart


Informally elegant restaurant with a refined design. Creative cuisine with the chef Alessandro Lorenzin, jazz club and art container.

Gravlax: salmone marinato con aneto
Vitel tonné
Lumache alla brace
Plateau royal di crudité

Chef Alessandro Lorenzin, the restaurant owner: chosen by FIPE/ICE and ConfCommercio as the ambassador of Italian cuisine abroad, in Paris, for the exhibition “Taste of Paris” the Chef Festival, year 2022; mentioned by the food and wine critic Edoardo Raspelli on the site: ilgusto.it in connection with the newspapers" La Stampa", "La Repubblica" and "Il Secolo XIX", year 2022.

Awards received by Chef Alessandro Lorenzin: bronze medal at the championship of Italian cuisine year 2020 with the regional Union of the Chefs of Aosta Valley; 3rd place “un dolce di segale” (a rye cake) in  “Lo pan ner” event, September 2022, from the regional Union of the Aosta Valley Chefs.